Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Minority Report Shot Analysis

This frame is a long shot and we are seeing it from a bird's eye view.  The strip of light coming in the frame from the left and Anderton in the tub of water are the two focal points.  Although they both draw our attention, neither of these parts of the scene are in the center of the shot.  This particular frame doesn't have a central focus.  
In this frame, there are only two sources of light. The most obvious is the large strip of light on the top left section of the frame coming in through under the door.  The less obvious source is coming from the tiny eye scanner in the lower left corner.  Anderton is trying to avoid both rays light so he can go unnoticed.  Water plays a huge role in this film, here the tub of water is concealing Anderton's identity from the eye scanner.  Anderton has his fists raised, looking as though he is trapped and trying to escape.  Also, Anderton eerily resembles one of the precogs ion this shot. perhaps meaning that he is the most intelligent in this situation-he is outsmarting the eye scanner. 


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